Plan Ahead
As soon as you know your travel plans, contact us and make a reservation for your dog.
Make sure all immunizations are current and bring a copy of your dogs shot records. If you do not have a copy, your veterinarian can fax us a copy to keep on file for you. Our fax number is 307.200.0509. We require all dogs to have the following vaccines; Bordetella (Kennel Cough), Parvo and Rabies.
What about the other bugs?
Our facility is much like a child’s daycare where bugs can circulate. Given this fact, we rarely see lice, fleas or ticks. These can be transmitted easily in dog parks, neighborhoods, walks in the woods and more. Please check your dog prior to drop off to ensure all other dogs are safe from these parasites. If you notice your dog itching, coughing, acting sick/ lethargic or has had vomiting or diarrhea please check with your veterinarian before drop off. On our side of the fence, we take measures daily to keep these bugs at bay. Through pet safe products, we sanitize and disinfect the play yards, sleeping pens, play equipment and toys daily.
At Drop Off
Stay calm – this helps your dog stay calm and not get overly excited or anxious. Give lots of love at home and when you visit us walk in the door like you have been there 100 times to show your pet confidence in your choice to let us care for them.
Handler Escort
One of our friendly and skilled Dog Handlers will escort your dog to the play yard and to the sleeping pens. This allows your dog to build trust and confidence with our ability to ensure their safety and fun.
Baby Steps
If possible, drop your dog for a play day before leaving for long periods of time. This lets your dog know you will be coming back for them and they aren’t to worry.
We need your number.
Complete all require paperwork letting us know how to reach you, your emergency contact and even veterinarian while you are away. This can be completed electronically before you arrive to speed up the check in process. See the link in the footer section of this site.
Homecoming Hints
When you arrive home your dog may be overly excited to be there and receive your love. Of course, they missed you and are thrilled you are back. Play with your pup in the yard, use his toys or rub them in all his favorite spots. Once your dog is settled down and in a normal calm state then you can think about giving them food or water. Excited dogs tend to eat or drink quickly and this may result in an upset stomach. We don’t want you to have to clean up a mess right when you walk in the door!
Vacation Lag
Your dog will most likely be a little tired upon returning home. This is to be expected! There is a great deal of play and stimulation at DogJax where we strive to challenge your dog mentally and physically so they are fulfilled on a daily basis. This wears them out and it may take a few days for them to rebound upon your return. Of course, if you have any questions about your dog’s behavior, please give us a call.